Background and Scope
Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications is devoted to the publication of high quality papers in the field of intelligent systems applications in numerous disciplines. Since 2021 the journal has published six issues per year in January, March, May, July, September and November in both print and digital formats.
Original research papers are invited for publication. All papers will be refereed by acknowledged experts in the field, and may be (i) accepted without change, (ii) require amendment and subsequent re-refereeing, or (iii) be rejected on the grounds of either relevance or content.
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Professor T S Dillon
Editor-in-Chief, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Vic 3086, Australia. Email.
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Co Editors-in-Chief
Prof. Tharam Dillon, La Trobe University, Australia
ISSN 1472 8915 (print)
ISSN 2753-9806 (online)
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Open Access Edition
The journal is available as an open access online edition here.
Volume 32 2024
Advancing sustainable mobility infrastructure and environment through automated low threshold analyzation of road and cycling path surfaces
Olivier Taminé and Jochen Baier
Blockchain ecosystem meet supply chain ecosystem and an application to dairy product provenance
Pengdi Zhao, Ashley Jensen and Tim Johnsen
Design thinking for sustainable transformation: an analysis framework for practitioners
Irma Lindt and Wolfgang Gräther
Enabling digital transformation with sustainability criteria through resilient cybersecurity: challenges and opportunities
Michael Zipperle, Marius Becherer, Yu Zhang, Elizabeth Chang, Tharam Dillon and Achim Karduck
Enabling trustworthy collaboration for sustainable transformation
Marius Becherer, Michael Zipperle, Omar K. Hussain, Frank den Hartog, Yu Zhang, Elizabeth Chang and Achim Karduck
Incorporating ChatGPT for mega project benefits reasoning
Dhinesha Ruwanthi Perera and Amit Ghildyal
Automated house of resilience with AI-based measures
Aloïs Goeury and Elizabeth Chang
Sustainability in the software industry: a survey study on the perception, responsibility,
and motivation of software practitioners
Dominic Lammert, Stefanie Betz, Jari Porras and Shola Oyedeji
Vol 32 No 2 March 2024
Adaptive tracking of electronic communication signals based on nonlinear filtering
Zailin Li
Analysis and research of high voltage cable head insulation discharge diagnosis based on various detection methods
Yang Zhao, Qing Liu, Tong Shang, Yingqiang Shang, Rong Xia and Shuai Shao
Automatic control method of climbing speed of wall-climbing robot based on multi-vision
Guofeng Ma and Enzo Lorenzini
Data mining: analysis of the influence of college students’ daily behaviors on their academic performance
Yujia Zhang
Design of a PLC DC motor speed regulation system based on fuzzy control algorithm
Qixiang Zhu
Full target K-coverage retention at the boundary of smart sensor networks
Shan Hu
LSTM power load peak prediction method based on Bayesian network
Liyuan Sun, Yuan Ai, Yiming Zhang and Jianyu Ren
Method for constructing network intrusion detection model based on improved apriori algorithm
Linlin Wu
Road image enhancement and real-time vehicle detection at night based on convolutional neural network
Tao Dong
The application of hybrid algorithm integrating PWM and LMS in spectrophotometer instrument analysis and anti-interference method
Ying Liu
Vol 32 No 3 May 2024
Application of 5G wireless communication and BIM technology in management of construction projects
Hao Pan
Building a low carbon supply chain energy conservation and emission reduction system for logistics enterprises based on autonomous decision intelligence
Xue mei Chen and Ting Ling
Convolutional neural network-based robot path planning and equipment obstacle intelligent recognition system
Wusong Sun and Hua Lin
Design of virtual reality visualization display system based on big data technology
Tao Zhang
Visualization of architectural cultural heritage model based on VR virtual reality technology
Lin Hu
Parallel computing technology based on computer simulation
Weibin Wang
Data center energy management based on cloud computing and artificial intelligence
Xi Chen and Yongbin Tan
Visual design of computer human-computer interaction interface based on wireless network
Yan Gu, Wanli Gu, Qi Wang and Duk-hwan Kim
Weak convergence of truncation error of differential order artial derivative equations under mathematical chaos theory
Zhirong Guo and Xingyan Guo
Vol 32 No 4 July 2024
Regular Papers
Design of intelligent education decision support system based on big data analysis
Caiyan Chen
Optimization and performance evaluation of wireless network topology based on electrical data
Jinyin Peng and Xiangjin Zhu
Automatic classification and recognition of spatiotemporal high-resolution image data based on deep neural networks
Yetong Wang, Guozhang Li, Kongduo Xing and Rayner Alfred
Security isolation algorithm of 5G network slice based on particle swarm optimization
Yang Su, Yang Cao, Wenwei Tao and Wenzhe Zhang
Design of intelligent embedded system for automotive mechanical automation based on particle swarm optimization
Xiuhua Yu and Yuhao Shan
Investigation on the interference degree of photovoltaic access to the communication environment in the platform area based on the complex low-voltage platform area simulation platform
Jiajun Feng, Fang Zhao, Zhikuan Ma and Zhilong Ju
Intelligent optimization design of APP display interface for intelligent transportation
Chi Zhang, Wanli Gu, Duke-hwan Kim and Yan Gu
The mobile crowdsourcing-based turnover behavior of courier under community group-buying scenario influenced by interaction and service quality
Xiaomeng Ma, Yi Song and Bin Hu
Special Section: Keynote papers at 2023 DEBEST Conference
Sustainability perspectives: what we can learn from Alexander von Humboldt
Gregor C. Falk
Collective intelligence and the creation of knowledge transfer
Christian Wagner
Vol 32 No 5 September 2024
Agile supply chain management collaboration based on artificial intelligence traceability system
Jie Wei
Animation design system based on 3D image technology
Fan Jiang
Big data theory of industrial supply chain based on complex information integration
Weihuang Dai, Zijiang Zhu and Deyu Qi
Blockchain data privacy protection mechanism for enterprise finance and data mining algorithms
Xuejun Ma and Yongshan Zhang
Credit risk evalustion of science and technology finance based on artificial intelligence and Bayesian algorithm
Yang Gao and Lei Sun
Design of intelligent traffic sign image recognition system based on machine learning algorithms
Jing Wang
Design of interface display optimization algorithm for in-vehicle interaction system based on artificial intelligence
Shujuan Qu
Face recognition image processing technology based on SIFT algorithm
Hao Zhao and Panpan Li
Intelligent cloud platform for interior design based on digital twins
Tao Ju and Xuanli Yu
Intelligent logistics supply chain management based on internet of things technology
Jing Yi
Intelligent security system in food supply chain based on big data analysis
Xin Zhang
Investigation and design of drainage network renovation engineering in residential areas based on BP neural network
Bai Fang and Ranmao Hu
Investigation of AI-based image recognition technology combined with sensor technology for power grid quality and safety
Zhiwei Liu, Yang Bai, BinHou, Ke Ning, Xingting Liu and Jin Zhang
Optimal scheduling module of power system based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
Zhenyuan Zhang
Research on big data and AI in an interactive visual design system
Tian Tian
Vol 32 No 6 November 2024
Incorporating traditional cultural elements in urban streetscape design using the Internet of Things and deep learning
Dongli Si and Ning Du
One-dimensional convection diffusion equation based on operator splitting
Qinghua Yao, Benhua Qiu and LIna Chu
Promotion effect of sports games based on deep learning on children’s psychological development
Zhihua Yu, Yu Xing and Haoyan Liu
Knowledge transfer in the teaching of English translation based on deep learning
Xinyi Cheng
Exploration and optimization of a deep reinforcement learning-based model for the creation of children’s literature
Jianing Yue and Bing Liu
Trade network pattern and factors influencing new energy vehicles in RCEP agreement countries
Weihua Pan, Caihua Liu and Ying Liu
Application of big data in English teaching evaluation and feedback system
Xiaoqiong Feng
Design of intelligent assistant system for English teaching based on artificial intelligence
Gongwei Dai
English learning behavior pattern mining and personalised teaching strategies based on big data analysis
Yingying Xiao
Factors affecting the quality of online open course teaching in universities based on big data analysis
Genchao Wei
Index of Volume 32, 2024
Volume 31 2023
A deep learning image recognition method based on edge cloud computing
Rui Wei
Home energy optimization based on wearable devices
Shuilian Li and Fan Zeng
Intelligent system for educational informatization based on BP neural network
Bihong Lin
Longitudinal deformation analysis of high-resolution integrated images based on multi-sensors
Hongjie Chen and Chuan Xiao
Regional surface deformation monitoring method based on GNSS and satellite signal processing
Liang Wang
The role of data fusion internet cloud computing in enterprise economic data management
Wen Jiang
Urban rail transit network planning based on adaptive neural network
Yuan Lu, Jinyan Shao and Lin Zhou
Vol 31 No 2 March 2023
Plant configuration method of landscape architecture based on neural network
Qian Wang
Feature extraction method of urban road network structure based on fractal algorithm
Wen Wen and Hongxing Deng
Visual feature clustering method for image based on cloud computing technology
Haifeng Shi and Ling Shang
Image segmentation prediction model of machine learning and improved genetic algorithm
Caihong Li, Huie Zhang, Junjie Huang, Haijie Shen and Xinzhi Tian
Personal information privacy protection methods based on relational encryption for the Internet of Things
Li Feng
Vehicle-mounted positioning monitoring system for construction machinery based on location service
Xuan Li
Construction of digital transformation management system for power grid enterprises based on artificial intelligence algorithm
Xiaoguang Liu, Xi Cai and Jianfeng Han
Optimal management of collaborative goals in power enterprises based on data mining algorithm
Shibo Yang, Shaobo Liu, Shuiting Du, Zuohu Chen and Zhenfen Zhang
Vol 31 No 3 May 2023
Design of group enterprise financial risk control system based on big data clustering algorithm
Min Jiang
Real-time environmental data collection and fusion method for intelligent greenhouses based on agricultural internet of things technology
Bing Zhang
Decision tree based displacement prediction method of laser sensor
Lian Wu
Model for predicting students’ academic performance in tertiary English courses
Liu Yang
Effect of ability factors of entrepreneurial employees on the entrepreneurial performance of new enterprises
Xingrong Zhang
Deep mining method of distributed data association based on decision tree algorithm
Jinjing Cai and Yongsheng Ding
Application research and case analysis of elastic-net method in generalized linear model
Dengxiang Huang and Chunting Lu
Vol 31 No 4 July 2023
Adaptive enhancement of robot vision image on the basis of multi-scale filter
Xin Liu and Bin Zhang
Application of data center knowledge graph based on power system fusion algorithm design
Chengyue Yang, Xin Ji, Xiaolong Zhao, Linxiao Dong and Yuliang Zhao
Crisis management and early warning of commercial sports events in China in the context of big data
Jin Zha
Design of film and television personalized recommendation system based on artificial intelligence technology
Rongkai Zhang, Yanjun Lin, Jinming Zhang and Min Liu
Evaluation model of police physical education teaching mode reform effect based on IC3 decision tree algorithm
Kaibing Wang
Quantitative analysis of traditional cultural policy texts based on the LDA topic model – with the thirteenth five-year period as an example
Lili Zhang and Kang Zhao
The influence of digital literacy on non-agricultural employment
Yunrong Li and Gang Li
The innovation of online social science education facilitated by data mining
Jinhan Yang
Vol 31 No 5 September 2023
A fast detection system for WSN node intrusion on the basis of association rules
Zaiying Liu and Younes Menni
Analysis of spatial distribution characteristics and the factors influencing the new-type agricultural business entities of Anhua Dark Tea cultivation
Chun Yi and Bin Liu
Effect of intervention based on sports rehabilitation training on knee injury after a high-intensity confrontation in soccer
Peng Wang and Yi Shi
Effect of strength training on muscle group activation in track and field athletes
Tian Huang and Jinxia Gao
Enbedded inkjet detection based on a convolutional neural network
Chenye Han and Baojing Liu
Key technology research on end-side arithmetic network based on resource virtualization for multi-terminal systems
Fang Cui, Mao Ni, Ting Zhou and Hengjiang Wang
Online educational resources on international Chinese education on MOOC platform based on personalized learning
Yi Sun
Power conversion technology of power electronics equipment based on SiC conversion circuit
Xiaoyu Yang and Hui Liu
Vol 31 No 6 November 2023
A clustering analysis of students’ English scores after targeted improvement
Xia Sun
Construction of teaching quality evaluation system based on intelligent data mining technology
Xiaoling Xu
Data mining: analysis of the influence of college students’ daily behaviors on their academic performance
Yujia Zhang
Exploration of pattern recognition of automobile anti-lock braking system
GuanJu Yue and YanMing Pan
House of benefits and fuzzy consensus for multi-stakeholder consensus in PPP
Elizabeth Chang, Amit Ghildyal, Ru D Perera, Md Saiful Islam and Achim Karduck
Image dehazing networks based on residual blocks and feature fusion
Changxiu Dai
Measuring the contribution of human health capital using the IEPSVAR system
Xiaomeng Ma and Huahua Li
Online learning of social science courses based on personalized recommendation algorithm
Rong Xie
Power equipment fault diagnosis and prevention based on comprehensive feature quantity evaluation
Bin Ma, Xueming Jin and Zhe Li
Reverse engineering based on Point Cloud Recognition 3D digital analysis of rock fragmentation
Yang Yang and Laishan Chang
Structural equation model: influence of student-related factors on English language learning performance
Wei Du and Nana Liu
Visual servo control of robot arm based on image features
Zhigang Ma
Volume 30 2022
A dynamic monitoring method of DNA synthesis based on electron microscopy
Mingxu Wang and Yingruo Xu
Evaluation of innovative enrepreneurship education based on the analytic hierarchy process
Rui Sun
Lossless compression algorithm of multimedia data based on artificial intelligence
Quanpeng Ji
Massive real-time data mining algorithm for a multimedia database
Jiaju Gong and Qin Wu
Neural network model based on multi-temporal BAM
Wei Liu and Fuqiang Qiu
Oral English training based on virtual reality technology
Dan Gao
Security detection method for clustering wireless sensor networks based on Markov chain
Na Dong, Ze Chen, Weina Liu and Botao Hou
Synchronous signal transmission system of wireless sensor network array in big data enviropnment
Jie Zhang and Jinwen Li
Wireless sensor localization algorithm based on artificial intelligence
Xiaofeng Wang and Xiao Hao
Volume 30 No 2 March 2022
Application of target image recognition based on network sensitive information filtering technology
Xiaohong Li, Guiying Duan and Fang Tian
Communication network active defense method based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
Yunting Tang and Xihui Lin
Emergency resource allocation and scheduling in differential distributed storage system
Liang Chen
Fuzzy power control algorithm for wireless ad hoc sensor networks
Li Yao
Image enhancement of motion blur based on chaos quantum algorithm
Yanyan Zhou
Optimization of fuzzy topological symbiotic structure based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
Keying Zhao and Kai Mu
Research on the visual appeal of paper packaging design
Zhifeng Zhao and Du Chen
The quality of college English teaching determined by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
Fuyuan Lei, Xi Li and Xiaomin Yu
Volume 30 No 3 May 2022
Ann efficient image encryption scheme based on four directional diffusion and regular key selections
Jianzhong Yang, Shili Xuan, Huirong Chen and Xianyang Li
An improved Clustream clustering algorithm for anomoly detection in electric power big data
Yanming Wang
Cloud-based malware detection of smart meters in advanced metering infrastructure
Zuo Jian, Ziwen Cai, Bin Qian and Yong Xiao
Compression perception reconstruction algorithm for interferometric multispectral image based on machine learning
Shufeng Zhang
Corporate financial fraud identification and crisis forewarning based on the partial least squares method
Yuying Li
Edge recognition of color image based on super-resolution imaging technology
Shuai Ren and Yu Zhang
Prediction of municipal mortality in housing based on dual Gray-Markov model
Chen Guang
UAV formation flight control method based on annealing recurrent neural network
Yanfeng Yu and Chao Jiang
Volume 30 No 4 July 2022
The influence of commission rates on pricing strategy of online ride-hailing platform
Qi Duan
Electronic image stabilization of Phage Plaque based on full-search block-matching algorithm
Shaocui Guo and Guo Hao
Recognition of defects in TOFD image based on HSV black color histogram
Qi Yao and Dayang Jiang
Fast object detection for continuous images in line inspection
Xiaoliang Zhang, Jianjun Cheng, Xuefeng Bai and Hanyu Zhang
Location selection of charging stations based on improved evolutionary algorithms
Kuo Li, Yi Wang and Haiyi Pan
Deep learning for central air conditioning controller
Dongsheng Xu
Structure design and construction requirements analysis of the post-pouring strip based on data mining technology
Yuan Zang
Virtual reorganization algorithm based on cluster intelligent multitask production line manufacturing
He Shi, Guohua Cao, Guoqing Ma, Jinsong Duan, Jimeng Bai and Xiangyin Meng
Application of robotic key technology in wind power bearing fault diagnosis and failure prediction technology
Jiwu Tang, Xu Liang, Ming Huang, Wenjing Hu and Zhiming Rong
Volume 30 No 5 September 2022
A study of online educational resource recommendation for college Chinese courses based on personalized learning
Rongjing Zhangg and Gang Wang
A target detection algorithm of aerial images in power grid inspection based on transfer learning
Feng Wang, Li Shen and Wen Li
Application of variable fuzzy sets in the evaluation of energy-saving design of public buildings
Zhiyi Wang
User experience evaluation of B2C e-commerce website based on fuzzy information
Hui Wen
Multi-feature fusion algorithm based on AR-based panoramic image processing technology inside a wind turbine
Jin Xu, Jianing Zhang, Long Ban and Guangbo Feng
Machine learning intelligent medical algorithm based on computer vision and parallel optimization of biomedical information system
Huayong Yang and Xiaoli Lin
Analysis of the factors which influence the academic performance of students and regression prediction based on multiple linear regression
Hu Yang and Zhanwei Zhu
Intelligent mode design for the electricity market based on compound bidding matchmaking
Yunzhao Li, Chen Luo, Yichen Xu and Haimeng Yu
Volume 30 No 6 November 2022
A study on the influence of various characteristic factors on the employment choice of college graduates using data mining
Chuanchuan Tang
Construction of network security job service model based on a rough set data analysis algorithm
Jinshan Lin, Siyu Chen and Leisong Chen
Impact of online stock reviews on stock market trends using text sentiment analysis methods
Haixiang Li and Weixian Xue
Personalized intelligent recommendation model based on hybrid collaborative filtering algorithm
Yujiao Wang, Haiyun Lin, Lina She and Li Sun
Research on online creativity education for college students using data mining
Kun Zhou
Security optimization of convergence nodes in the sensing layer of the power internet of things based on fuzzy clustering
Tong Li, Yang Liu, YaoDong Tao, DongHua Huang, Hongbi Geng and Qian Sun
Spatio-temporal fusion of UAV remote sensing images based on pyramid method
Chao Jiang and Yanfeng Yu
Unsafe factors associated with internet social information dissemination
Xiaohua Jua, Jiyu Zheng, Xiaoyan Li, Jiankun Gong and Zhihao Lin
Volume 29 2021
A study of English listenting and speaking teaching mode for college students: using multimedia network technology
Miao Tian
Circuit fault detection of an AC stable power supply based on a data driven model
Xiaoyu Chen and Pengfei Zheng
Design, preparation and electrochemical performance regulation of electrode material for high specific capacity lithium ion batteries
Kun Luo and Baoli Wei
Energy saving task scheduling based on optimized ant colony algorithm in cloud environment
Haiqin Liu and Haifeng Yi
Identification method of hole boundary nodes in a sustainable service manufacturing network
Ziping Du
Interactive genetic algorithm based on the BP neural network proxy model
Yingchun Zhao
Residual energy allocation for wireless sensor network nodes
Ruijin Lin, Yuanrong He and Min Xu
The influence of multi-dimensional factors of classroom environment on English performance
Nini Qu and Xiangdong Ding
Volume 29 No 2 March 2021
Modeling and analysis of vehicle energy consumption at signalized intersection based on genetic algorithms
Junhui Liu and Yajuan Jia
The prediction model of college English performance based on data mining under the concept of OBE
Yanfeng Yue
Sustainable smart substation design for use in future power grids
Songlin Gu, Qunce Gao, Guan Wang, Shuyi Cheng and Tiechen Li
Lifelong learning: a study of college English autonomous learning
Leyuan Xiang
A 5G network-oriented mobile edge computing offloading strategy and cloud computing network security
Yang Yuxue, Yang Huifeng, Wang Jung, Liu Ruiying and Nie Xiangqian
Architecture and simulation of a social management service system based on the internet of things information model
Qunying Mao
Design of intelligent transportation system based on a genetic algorithm and distributed computing
Wei Yuqing and Gao Xing
Volume 29 No 3 May 2021
Road information monitoring system design based on wireless sensor networks
Bing Xu and Liqun Liu
Ecological environment planning and diversity protection based on GIS and computer simulation
Yajuan Li, Huanhuan Chen and Jinfang Zhang
Electrical equipment parameter acquisition system based on wireless Ethernet
Pengyu Wang and Guanlin Li
Human behavior detection based on RPN network and dynamic image recognition
Fei Yu and Zhaoxia Lu
Human motion system model based on real-time image acquisition and data simulation
Xi Yongping, Yang Shengdong, Wang Penglong and Feng Yuhong
Network traffic monitoring and real-time risk warning based on static baseline algorithm
Li Fu and Zhu Jingli
Volume 29 No 4 July 2021
Noise filtering method of a 3D target image based on machine learning
Yanfei Ren
Safe distance detection method of unmanned vehicle based on virtual reality
Lingfang Wu
Automatic recognition method of digital communication signal under strong electromagnetic interference
Hao Yang, Chen Zhang and Bingxu Zhao
Fast data transmission method in wireless vehicle ad-hoc networks
Lunqiang Ye
Bank abnormal behaviour recognition technology based on deep learning
Yueyun Du
Federal synergy computing model based on network interconnection
Hechuang Wang
Automated CNN based coral reef classification using image augmentation and deep learning
Sumit Sharan, Harsh, Stuart Kininmonth and Utkal Mehta
Construction of an artificial intelligence real-time logistics supply and demand co-ordination mechanism based on a three-dimensional matrix curve model
Qimin Fu, Jun Li and Luo Chun-jun
Volume 29 No 5 September 2021
Load balance optimization of distributed massive database information acceptance and processing in the internet of things scenario
Jialiang Wang
Order degree and cooperative operation mechanism of subsystems in the organization mode of IoT
Xiaoxi Yuan
IoT compressed perception and information interaction technology in intelligent transportation layout
Hao Yang, Chen Zhang and Bingxu Zhao
Food and drug public opinion mining algorithm based on big data
Mengli Ruan
Massive high-dimensional big data feature selection algorithm in a cloud computing environment
Xiaochang Zheng
Network awareness data fusion algorithm based on fuzzy time series
Minchuan Wang
Location dominance effect of implicit memory in test sequences
Bingbing Yu
Volume 29 No 6 November 2021
Blockchain and Palm Scanning Integrated System (BPIS) for Workplace Access Control and Contact Tracing
Pengdi Zhao, Yu Zhang and Elizabeth Chang
Smart Grid Fault Diagnosis, Positioning Method and Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network
Zhijie Li and Jincheng Hu
Simulation of Intelligent Internet of Things System Based on Machine Learning and Clustering Algorithm
Liang Guo
Research on Network Security Collaborative Defense Technology Based on Swarm Intelligence and Big Data Network Security
Yu Bingjie, Yang Huifeng, Sun Chenjun, Zhang Zhi and Fan Jinghang
Real-Time Data Acquisition and Monitoring System of Wireless Sensor Network Based on Topology Control Algorithm in Cluster
Xuemin Wang, Yanrong Wang and Ying Li
Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Resource Scheduling Optimization Based on IPSO Algorithm
Wu Chunqiong
Intelligent analysis of enterprise advertisement push based on cloud computing and Markov chain
Lihong Sui
K-means parallel algorithm of big data clustering based on Mapreduce PCAM method
Yongyi Li, Zhongqiang Yang and Kaixu Han
Short-term prediction of cloud computing virtual resource load based on Openstack
Mingchao Wang
Index to Volume 29, 2021
Volume 28 2020
Volume 28 No 1 March 2020
Multi-source information fusion conflict processing algorithm in Internet of Things
Qun Mao
Static detection and simulation of malicious code in a metallurgical master control station based on behaviour information gain
Tingfeng Hu
Poverty measurement and evaluation at the county level in China: from the perspective of nighttime light data
Yue Liu, Xiuzhi He, Chaoqi Li, Junzhong Tan, Zhenyu Zhu and Yu Wang
Collaborative prediction of web service quality based on user preference and service
Zhanglong Nie
The analysis of non-significant feature data mining in big data environments
Xiaoli Meng
Design of hybrid energy storage capacitance control system based on Microgrid
Tao Wang and Hailin Hu
SmartOrders: A BLE and NFC enabled Android-based offline ordering system for restaurants
Michael Zipperle, Christian Laustsen and Anders Rikvold
Volume 28 No 2 June 2020
Multi-sensor data fusion technology for the single bamboo drifting
Liang Yujuan, Lan Jianzhuo and Lu Chuntao
Application of seismic forward model analysis in reservoir prediction of oil formation
Peng Xiaobo and Chang Yanfen
Cluster head selection algorithm and simulation based on energy change in internet of things wireless sensor networks
Jingwei Xie and Huiyi Li
Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease based on face recognition using M-health technology
Tiexing He, Xueping Zhng anf Limin Zhu
A gray level-gradient-based two-dimensional (2D) Otsu thresholding method for image segmentation
Yanli Tan and Yongqiang Zhao
Moving target tracking method for unmanned vehicle based on laser sensor
Ningli Ma
An improved facial expression recognition algorithm
Yilihamu Yaermaimaiti
Volume 28 No 3 September 2020
Evaluation of the quality of audio-visual aided teaching of English
Mengyang Qin
Implementation of the road map to Digital Government Transformation (DGT)
Jenny Huang, Elizabeth Chang and Fatemeh Jalalvand
The development of circular economy in biopharmaceutical industrial cluster
Yuan Dong and Hui Dong
Enterprise performance regression model analysis based on management accounting
Hongmei Ma
Research on SMC-ADRC method of PMSM in mine ventilation system based on ESO
YongZhi Zhang, BaoShan Jia, Zhuo Shen, RongZheng Liu and Jian Chen
Stock price prediction based on a neural network model and data mining
Zheng Fang and Chaoshin Chiao
A compromise-tolerant key management framework for private blockchain
Marius Becherer, Thien Bui-Nguyen, Michael Zipperle and Florian Gottwalt
Volume 28 No 4 December 2020
An improved algorithm for single-cluster TSP based on ACO
Jianbing Lin and Zhixiong Chen
Collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on sparse bilinear convolution
Xiangfeng Zhang
Conjoint data analytics for veteran suicide prevention – delivering care at scale for people at risk
Tamara Green and Elizabeth Chang
Improved ID3 algorithm based on intelligent computer distance education
Yunxia Wu, Hengjie Zhang and Xin Li
Intelligent indexing algorithm for the association rules of a multi-layer distributed database
Hao Peng, Shun Yang, Qiong Liu, Qiong Peng and Qiao Li
Volume 26 2018
Volume 26 March 2018
3D model optimisation and roaming of arge data volume virtual landscape
Zi-mian Lan and Menji Chen
Control of wind turbine above rateds wind speed using improved fuzzy logic and model predictive control
Satyabrata Sahoo, Bidyadhar Subudhi and Gayadhar Panda
Using UML 2.1 to model multi-agent systems
Darshan S Dillon, Tharam SD Dillon and Elizabeth Chang
A fault diagnosis method for coal slurry pipeline blockage based on improved threshold wavelet denoising
Li Dong and Li Xiaoping
The adaptive fuzzy-support vecxtor machine for fault detection and isolation in wind turbine
Yassine-Fadili and Ismaiil-Boumhidi
Volume 26 June-September 2018
An integrated approach for reliability prediction of hydraulic system based on grey system theory and GO methodology
Jian Liu
Evaluation of Mismatch Effect of Financing Structure Based on Data Envelopment Analysis
Sicheng Li
Method of rapidly generating test papers and quickly reducing papers based on random code and random numbers
Zhang Haiyan, Zhang Xiao and Zhang Weiqiang
Application Research of Contact Network Image Detection Based on Support Vector
Lihua Zhang
Modeling of Intelligent Decision-making Based on Cognitive Learning and Context-aware Data
Yuwei Yan
A Supervision Mechanism of Unsafe Behavior of Employees Based on Evolutionary Game Theory
Juan Shi, Jiumei Zhang and Xiaojie Xu
Contextual cognition of product display from multiple perspectives
Sun Haozhang, Ji Xiaomin and Wang Feng
Analysis on the Consumers’ Behaviors and Willingness of Online Shopping for Fresh Livestock Products
Meitu Wang
Can Corporate social performance (CSP) restrain companies from over-speed growth? Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies
Wu Li-jun and Bu Hua
A Solution of Travel Route Planning Problem Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithms
Yinjun Zhang and Mengji chen
Iterative learning controller design for nonlinear generalized distributed parameter system with correction factor
Zimian Lan, Yinjun Zhang and Mengji Chen
Catastrophe Mechanism of Investor Trust Mutation under Negative Effect in P2P Platform
Yuwei Yan and Yi Song
Volume 26 December 2018
Analysis of communication channels based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
Liguo Zhao and Hanlei Dong
Driving intention identification based on neural network optimized by particle swarm optimization
Min Li, Xilong Zhang, Yongliang Zhang, Dayi Qu and Fuquan Pan
Analysis of power system filter based on fuzzy control technology
Wei Shi and Xuetao Zhang
Professional manager’s work-family conflict based on Colaizzi analysis model
Bin Xu, Xiyuan Li and Hao Liang
Research to the Universal Ensemble Learning approaches based on Adaboost algorithm
Li Xiaolong, Chen Juanfen and Liao Shiqin
Volume 25 2017
Volume 25 Number 1 March 2017
Intelligent voltage surge classification in electric power distribution systems
Pascal Dieu Seul Assala, Haoyong Chen and Ping Yang
Intelligent incremental conductance MPPT control based on PSO-neural network algorithm for a photovoltaic water pumping syatem
Bouchra Sefriti, Rachid Naoual and Ismail Boumhidi
Behavioral study of wavelets during transients overvoltages propagation over a distribution network
Pascal Dieu Seul
Intelligent controllers for eddy current energy absorber of aircraft arrester barrier system
Arunesh Kumar Singh, D K Chaturvedi, Ibraheem, S Khatoon
and M M Gupta
Toward a smoke detection system for early fire alarming based on video processing and fuzzy reasoning
Fatemeh Nazary and Ali M Fotouhi
Volume 25 Number 2 June 2017
Fast learning RBF neural networks based fault location on electrical power distribution lines
Surender Kumar Yellagoud and Purnachandra Rao Talluri
A novel method for analog circuit faults diagnosis based on FA-TM-BP
WenXin Yu, JunNian Wang, Yan Li and Xianglei Bo
A novel approach to energy-efficiency in geographical multi-path routing protocol with adaptive load balancing for wireless multimedia sensor networks
Hasib Daowd Esmail Alariki and M N ShanmukhaSwamy
Optimal allocation of distributed generators and capacitors in electrical distribution systems using artificial intelligence methods
Alaa Abdelwahab Saleh and Ahmad Samir Adail
Fuzzy PD+1 hybrid controller for load frequency control
Arishnil Bali and Utkal Mehta
An improved wavelet network approximation for 3D surface reconstruction
Mohamed Othmani, Yassine Khlifi and Azhaar Jaan
Optimal fuzzy fractional PDµ plus I hybrid controller for power systems via WOA
Arishnil Bali and Utkal Mehta
Volume 25 Numbers 3-4 September-December 2017
Image-based Knife-edge Adjustment in Schlieren System
Xiongxing Zhang and Siyou Su
Study on Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Model for CNC Machine Tools Based on AHP-DEMATEL
Shuguang Sun and Xiyu Liu
Key Technologies and Construction about Distribution Network Operation Associating Monitoring Platform based on Big Data
Xiaoming Zhou, Anlong Su, Aimin Liu, Wei Liu, Weiqi Gao, Dawei Wang and Zhenliu Zhou
KELM Based Position Computation Model for Train
Xiong Xiong
A High-efficiency Method of SAR Image Classification
Xiaorong Xue , Hongfu Wang and Fang Xiang
A five-Gram Unified Event Web Mining Model
Xinyao Zou and Yingji Li
Combined Degree Distribution Algorithm for Raptor Codes
Lina Wang and Wei Wu
Adding and Deleting Operations in Trusted Software Architecture Based on Or-transition Colored Petri Net
Na Zhao, Peng Li, Zhongwen Xie, Jun Chen, Yong Yu and Jian Wang
Image content authentication based on structural difference
Zhao Bo, Qin Gui-he and Zhao Yong-zhe
Hybrid intelligent algorithm for solving M-CVaR portfolio model
Qingquan Jiang, Weiwei Li, Rui Zhang, Xiaosan Zhang and Qinglan Chen
Determination of Optimal Location for Professional Oil Recovery Ships Using Improved Clustering Analysis
Lu Jing and Pengjun Zheng
Emojis Sentiment Analysis via Improved Label Propagation Algorithm
Dongdong Li, Xiangfeng Luo, Xiao Wei, Yike Guo and Ruirong Xue
Volume 24 2016
Volume 24 Number 1 March 2016
SPECIAL ISSUE: The Fourth IFIP AITP Conference
Tharam Dillon
Detection of adolescent periodic stress via a micro-blog
Liang Zhao, Yuanyuan Xue, Qi Li and Ling Feng
Geodesic derivative pattern for offline signature matching
Farshid Hajati, Samaneh Abdoli and Zohreh Saberi
An overview of the contemporary semantically-based TCM telemedicine systems
Jackei H K Wong and Wilfred W K Lin
Effuicacy of the fuzzy polynucleotide space in phylogenetic tree construction
Awanti Sambarey and Ashok Deshpande
Capturing implied volatility with neural nets as a basis for optioms pricing and Delta hedging
Fahed Mostafa, Tharam Dillon and Elizabeth Chang
Volume 24 Number 2 June 2016
Intelligent controllers for eddy current energy absorber of aircraft arrester barrier system
Arunesh Kumar Singh, D K Chaturvedi, Ibraheem, S Khatoon and M M Gupta
A novel meta-heiristic optimization method for global numerical optimization
Mohamad Shakeri, Hamid Parvin and Marzieh Dadvar
A fused severity index based approach for contingency management using interline power flow converter
G V Nagesh Kumar
In designing of ST-coded in-home PLC transmission scheme
Hassan Mahasneh
Volume 24 Numbers 3-4 September-December 2016
SPECIAL ISSUE: Applications and Techniques in Cyber Intelligence
Guest Editors: Zheng Xu, Zhiguo Yan and Huan Du
A stability criterion method based on neural network and its application on flutter boundary prediction
Zheng Hua, Zhang Jie and Pei Chengming
A novel online optimization technology for data-driven complicated system
Wan Mei Fang
Auction system with privacy protection
Zhen Guo, Yu Fu and Chunjie Gao
Decision model of construction project bid based on information diffusion and possibility theory
Jianping Li, Wuxin Chen and Min Qiu
Edge detection of infrared image base on phase congruency
Longyuan Guo, Baitong Luo, Guoyun Zhang, Jianhui Wu, Bing Tu and Xianfeng Ou
Estimation of crowd density based on deep convolutional neural networks
Tan Zhiyong, Yuan Jiazheng, Bao Hong, Liu Hongzhe and Li Qing
Intelligent data management in cloud computing
Xianlin Zhou, Ji Zeng and Zhenxi Wei
Personalized recommendation model of clothing based on rough set theory
Hongqin Dai, Lili Wang, Jing Wang and Guolian Liu
Study on valuation of industrial heritage based on its integration with public art display space
Yue Zhang
Correlation analysis of the data fields in relational database
Wei Lijun, Pan Yang and Zhang Yan
Index to Volume 24, 2016
Volume 23 2015
Vol 23 No 1 March 2015
Multi-objective optimisation of PID controller for DC servo motor using genetic algorithm
Nitish Katal and Sanjay Kumar Singh
Adaptive genetic algorithm assisted multi user detection for FD-MC-CDMA in various frequency selective fading channels
Guntu Nooka Raju and B Prabhakara Rao
Fuzzy-PI-based supervisory frequency control design in a stand-alone AC miocrogrid
M R Feizi, P Babahajiani and H Bevrani
The constraint optimization approach for robust PID design in AVR system
Utkal Mehta and Gancho Vachkov
Vol 23 No 2 June 2015
A new method to predict boxoffice collections for Bollywood movies using online opinion mining
Devendra Tayal, Amita Jain, Divya Gupta and Garvita Saini
Fuzzy indirect field oriented control of a dual star induction motor water pumping system fed by photovoltaic generator
Salim Djeriou, Aissa Kheldoun and Radhwane Sadouni
Dynamic texture recognition using sparse spatiotemporal derivative pattern
Farshid Hajati
A novel fractal analysis based algorithm for classification of transmission line faults
Debojyoti Ghosh and Sudipta Nath
Type-2 fuzzy logic in breast cancer relapse time prediction using genetic algorithm
Hamid Mahmoodian
Vol 23 No 3 September 2015
Adaptive hybrid control of a dynamic voltage restorer in compensating sag/swell and harmonics using a new indirect fuzzy type-2 approach
Mohammad Nabipour, M Razaz, S G H Seifossadat and S S Mortazavi
The study on effective meter position in power distribution network
L Ramesh and N Chowdhury
Direct model identifcation of DC motor using adaptive fuzzy MARX model optimized by MPSO
Cao Van Kien and Ho Pham Huy Anh
A practically validated adaptive calibration technique for temperature measurement using resistance temperature detector
K V Santhosh and B K Roy
Vol 23 No 4 December 2015
Model predictive direct torque control of matrix converter-fed PMSM drives using branch and bound algorithm for torque ripple minimization
S Kannan, S Chinnaiya and C Karthikeyan
Global mapping of courseware contents supporting engineering education
Golam Md Muradul Bashir and Abu Sayed Md Latiful Hoque
ANFIS based unified power-quality conditioner for power quality improvement in multi feeder system
N Karthik and M Surya Kalavathi
Grey wolf optimization algorithm for multi-objective distribution system reconfiguration considering greenhouse gas emissions and loss
Beenish Sultana and M W Mustafa
Short-term temperature prediction in buildings using advanced data analysis techniques
Juan J Carrasco, Mónica Millán-Giraldo, Juan Caravaca, Ignacio Díaz, Javier Sanchis and Emilio Soria-Olivas
Index to Volume 23, 2015
Volume 22 2014
Volume 22 Number 1 March 2014
Fuzzy logic based power quality measure
Sayani Sengupta, Sudipta Nath and Aritra Dasgupta
Towards fuzzy decision making approach for optimal pipeline routing
Morteza Saberi, Nafiseh Eslami, Omar Khadeer Hussain and Behzad Ashjari
Path tracking control of a driven mobile robot in a dynamic environment
Chokri Abdelmoula, Karim Jaber and Mohamed Masmoudi
An integrated and efficient expert system for optimization of annual household electricity demand forecasting with fuzzy and crisp inputs
A Azadeh, R S Mousavizadeh and M Firoozi
Overvoltage identification in electric power distribution networks based on mathematical morphology and feed-forward ANN
Pascal Dieu Seul Assala, Haoyong Chen and Tianyao Ji
Firefly feature subset selection application to Arabic speaker recognition system
Abdelghani Harrag and Nassir Harrag
Volume 22 Number 2 June 2014
Boosting feature selection in a new non-adjacent N-gram for malicious code detection
Hamid Parvin, Shahbazi Ahmad, Jamal Rahimi and Ali Nozari
A cooperative game theoretic approach for distributed power allocation in MIMO cognitive radio networks
Mehdi Ghamari Adian
A clustering ensemble based on edited normalized mutual information
Jamal Rahimi, Hamid Parvin, Sadrollah Sadeghi and Sajad Parvin
Identifying differentially methylated regions by efficient bit-masking of DNA microarrays to use as markers for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis
Pavlos Antoniou, Spiros Michalakopoulos, Marios Ionnides, Elisavet A Papageorgiu and Philippos C Patsalis
Volume 22 Numbers 3/4 September/December 2014
Selected Papers from the 9th IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2013)
Harris Papadopoulos, Andreas S Andreou, Lazaros Iliadis and Ilias Maglogiannis
Segmentation of electronic dance music
Tim Scarfe, Wouter M Koolen and Yuri Kalnishkan
Adaptive evolutionary algorithm for a multi-objective VRP
Andreas Konstantinidis, Savvas Pericleous and Christoforos Charalambos
Unsupervised clustering and multi-optima evolutionary search
Vassilis P Plagianakos
Applying hard and fuzzy K-modes clustering for dynamic web recommendations
Panayiotis Christodoulou, Marios Lestas and Andreas S Andreou
A fuzzy cognitive map system to explore the repercussions of Greek PSI and bank recapitalization on the Cyprus economy
Maria Papaioannou, Costas K Neocleous, Charalambos Papageorgiou and Christos N Schizas
Fusion and gene and imaging information enhances derivation of robust composite disgnostic biomarkers in the case of melanoma
Ioannis Valavanis, Ilias Maglogiannis and Aristotelis Chatziioannou
Classification of osteoporosis clinical data using genetic clustering
George C Anastassopoulos, Adam Adamopoulos, Georgios Drosos, Konstantinos Kazakos and Harris Papadopoulos
Computational intelligence modeling and assessment of industrial noise: the case of wood manufacturing
Vasiliki Dimou, Lazaros S Iliadis and Ilias Bougoudis
Index to Volume 22 2014
Volume 27 2019
Volume 27 No 1 March 2019
Active control of restricted space noise in deep well using FXLMS adaptive control algorithm
Qi Yu
Performance optimization of overflow valve based on genetic algorithm
Zhengyang Dai
Analysis of web data mining combining software capability maturity model
Xiang Li and Zijia Zhang
Characteristic analysis of integration of enterprises with vocational schools
and universities based on data fusion algorithms
Mei Mei
Construction of advertising media based on block chain and dynamic communication
Yuanyuan Sun and Xiaotian Shi
Volume 27 No 2 June 2019
Computer-assisted interactive platform design for online music teaching based on cloud computing
Hua Jiang
Evaluation of benefit of virtual power plant and intelligent power supply system based on multi-target monitoring
Fengshun Jiao, Duo Li, Yongsheng Deng and Zhikeng Li
Object detection and shadow detection algorithm for computer vision
Bo Zhao
Network feature extraction for regional economic development and financial agglomeration analysis
Yaxin Zhang, Qunli Qiang and Weidong Zhu
Evaluation model and index system for enterprise strategic management capability based on neural network algorithms
Tingting Shang
Analysis on factors affecting fluctuation of price of financial stock pharmaceutical enterprises
Ying Meng and Yuan Zhao
Volume 27 No 3 September 2019
Oral English recognition teaching system based on natural language processing and emotional analysis
Weitang Li
Emotional data mining and DTW algorithms in English speech teaching recognition
Ning Wang
Evaluation of web-based teaching based on machine learning and text emotion
Lifang Wang
Multigoal-based asset allocation model in family wealth management
Zilong Xiao
National governance based on deep learning and neural networks
Ye Li
Optional English speech teaching method based on recognition emotion mining and deep learning algorithms
Xinyu Zhang, Hui Li, Na Wang and Ruolin Shi
Volume 27 No 4 December 2019
Computer data processing mode in the era of big data
Lian Jin
Emotional data mining and machine learning in college students’ psychological cognitive education
Xiaofan Shi
Big data analytics in the e-commerce retail industry
Weiwei Cheng and Jing Wang
Application of deep convolutional neural network in computer vision
Lepeng Chen and Chengjiang Wang
Reactive power optimization control of power grid utilizing the improved RBF artificial neural network
Bin Xiao
Simulation analysis of random initial error with iterative learning control method for robot arms
Zhengjie Lu, Mengji Chen and Yinjun Zhang
Investigation of economic financing mode management of supply chain in pharmaceutical enterprises
Yanyan Zhang and Ying Meng
Index to Volume 27 2019
Volume 21 2013
Volume 21 Number 1 March 2013
EHV, HV and MV lines fault location using both RBF based SVM and SCALCG based neural network
K. Gayathri and N. Kumarappan
Design of Dual Mode Linguistic Hedge Fuzzy Logic Controller for an Isolated Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System with CES Unit
M.Mohamed Thameem Ansari and S. Velusami
Live Media Flow Rate Allocation in P2P Multipath Networks
Tsung-Hung Chen, Chin-Feng Tsai and Yuan-Chang Guo
Parameters design of passive harmonic filters using improved particle swarm optimization technique
Ming Zhang and Kaicheng Li
ANFIS Approach for Locating Precise Fault Points in Distribution System
Rasli Abd Ghani, Azah Mohamed, Hussain Shareef, Hadi Zayandehroodi
A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for PV Systems Using Artificial Neural Network
F. Barzideh, R. Noroozian and A. Jalilvand
Volume 21 Numbers 2/3 June/September 2013
Special issue: Innovative Intelligent Approaches: Extended papers from the 8th AIAI 2012 IFIP Conference
Guest Editors: Lazaros Iliadis, Ilias Maglogiannis and Harris Papadopoulos
Towards a declarative framework for the specification of agent-driven auctions
Alex Muscar and Costin Badica
Mathematical analysis of human factors using experimental parameter identification of human behaviour model
Jan Boril and Rudolf Jalovecky
Investigating motif selection methods for support vector machine classification of protein sequences to functional families
Danai Georgara, Katia Kermanidis and Ioannis Mariolis
Evaluation and analysis of artificial neural networks and decision trees in forecasting of common air quality index in Thessaloniki, Greece
Ioannis Kyriakidis, Kostas Karatzas, Jaakko Kukkonen, George Papadourakis and Andrew Ware
Pilot neural modeling of the inside bark tree diameter. A comparative study with robust regression
Kyriaki Kitikidou, Elias Milios, Lazaros Iliadis and Minas Kaymakis
Fast and robust fuzzy active contours
Stelios Krinidis, Michail Krinidis and Vassilios Chatzis
AQ-MAS: A multiagent system for air quality monitoring in urban regions
Mihaela Oprea
Embracing cognitive factors and fuzzy logic in adaptive interactive systems
Efi Papatheocharous, Marios Belk, Panagiotis Germanakos and George Samaras
Adult student modeling for intelligent distance learning systems
Ioannis Panagiotopoulos, Kalou Aikaterini, Pierrakeas Christos and Kameas Achilles
A multiplicative multi-linear model for inter-camera prediction in free view 3D systems
Ioannis M. Stephanakis and George C. Anastassopoulos
Artificial spectrum-compatible seismic accelerograms with characteristics similar to natural seismic signals
Vrochidou Eleni, Alvanitopoulos Petros, Andreadis Ioannis and Elenas Anaxagoras
Volume 21 Number 4 December 2013
ANFIS approach for locating precise fault points in distribution system
Rasli Abd Ghani, Azah Mohamed, Hussain Shareef and Hadi Zayandehroodi
A novel maximum power point tracking method for PV systems using artificial neural network
R. Noroozian, F. Barzideh and A. Jalilvand
Computational intelligence and hybrid models for feature selection and classification of bioinformatics datasets
Tarek Helmy
University social responsibility ontology
Azam Esfijani, FarookhKhadeer Hussain and Elizabeth Chang
Special Issues
Volume 25 Numbers 3-4 September-December 2017
Image-based Knife-edge Adjustment in Schlieren System
Xiongxing Zhang and Siyou Su
Study on Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Model for CNC Machine Tools Based on AHP-DEMATEL
Shuguang Sun and Xiyu Liu
Key Technologies and Construction about Distribution Network Operation Associating Monitoring Platform based on Big Data
Xiaoming Zhou, Anlong Su, Aimin Liu, Wei Liu, Weiqi Gao, Dawei Wang and Zhenliu Zhou
KELM Based Position Computation Model for Train
Xiong Xiong
A High-efficiency Method of SAR Image Classification
Xiaorong Xue , Hongfu Wang and Fang Xiang
A five-Gram Unified Event Web Mining Model
Xinyao Zou and Yingji Li
Combined Degree Distribution Algorithm for Raptor Codes
Lina Wang and Wei Wu
Adding and Deleting Operations in Trusted Software Architecture Based on Or-transition Colored Petri Net
Na Zhao, Peng Li, Zhongwen Xie, Jun Chen, Yong Yu and Jian Wang
Image content authentication based on structural difference
Zhao Bo, Qin Gui-he and Zhao Yong-zhe
Hybrid intelligent algorithm for solving M-CVaR portfolio model
Qingquan Jiang, Weiwei Li, Rui Zhang, Xiaosan Zhang and Qinglan Chen
Determination of Optimal Location for Professional Oil Recovery Ships Using Improved Clustering Analysis
Lu Jing and Pengjun Zheng
Emojis Sentiment Analysis via Improved Label Propagation Algorithm
Dongdong Li, Xiangfeng Luo, Xiao Wei, Yike Guo and Ruirong Xue
Volume 24 Numbers 3-4 September-December 2016
SPECIAL ISSUE: Applications and Techniques in Cyber Intelligence
Guest Editors: Zheng Xu, Zhiguo Yan and Huan Du
A stability criterion method based on neural network and its application on flutter boundary prediction
Zheng Hua, Zhang Jie and Pei Chengming
A novel online optimization technology for data-driven complicated system
Wan Mei Fang
Auction system with privacy protection
Zhen Guo, Yu Fu and Chunjie Gao
Decision model of construction project bid based on information diffusion and possibility theory
Jianping Li, Wuxin Chen and Min Qiu
Edge detection of infrared image base on phase congruency
Longyuan Guo, Baitong Luo, Guoyun Zhang, Jianhui Wu, Bing Tu and Xianfeng Ou
Estimation of crowd density based on deep convolutional neural networks
Tan Zhiyong, Yuan Jiazheng, Bao Hong, Liu Hongzhe and Li Qing
Intelligent data management in cloud computing
Xianlin Zhou, Ji Zeng and Zhenxi Wei
Personalized recommendation model of clothing based on rough set theory
Hongqin Dai, Lili Wang, Jing Wang and Guolian Liu
Study on valuation of industrial heritage based on its integration with public
art display space
Yue Zhang
Correlation analysis of the data fields in relational database
Wei Lijun, Pan Yang and Zhang Yan
Volume 24 Number 1 March 2016
Special Issue: The Fourth IFIP AITP Conference
Tharam Dillon
Detection of adolescent periodic stress via a micro-blog
Liang Zhao, Yuanyuan Xue, Qi Li and Ling Feng
Geodesic derivative pattern for offline signature matching
Farshid Hajati, Samaneh Abdoli and Zohreh Saberi
An overview of the contemporary semantically-based TCM telemedicine systems
Jackei H K Wong and Wilfred W K Lin
Effuicacy of the fuzzy polynucleotide space in phylogenetic tree construction
Awanti Sambarey and Ashok Deshpande
Capturing implied volatility with neural nets as a basis for optioms pricing and Delta hedging
Fahed Mostafa, Tharam Dillon and Elizabeth Chang
Vol 22 Nos 3/4 September/December 2014
Special Issue: Selected Papers from the 9th IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2013)
Guest Editors: Harris Papadopoulos, Andreas S Andreou, Lazaros Iliadis and Ilias Maglogiannis
Segmentation of electronic dance music
Tim Scarfe, Wouter M Koolen and Yuri Kalnishkan
Adaptive evolutionary algorithm for a multi-objective VRP
Andreas Konstantinidis, Savvas Pericleous and Christoforos Charalambos
Unsupervised clustering and multi-optima evolutionary search
Vassilis P Plagianakos
Applying hard and fuzzy K-modes clustering for dynamic web recommendations
Panayiotis Christodoulou, Marios Lestas and Andreas S Andreou
A fuzzy cognitive map system to explore the repercussions of Greek PSI and bank recapitalization on the Cyprus economy
Maria Papaioannou, Costas K Neocleous, Charalambos Papageorgiou and Christos N Schizas
Fusion and gene and imaging information enhances derivation of robust composite disgnostic biomarkers in the case of melanoma
Ioannis Valavanis, Ilias Maglogiannis and Aristotelis Chatziioannou
Classification of osteoporosis clinical data using genetic clustering
George C Anastassopoulos, Adam Adamopoulos, Georgios Drosos, Konstantinos Kazakos and Harris Papadopoulos
Computational intelligence modeling and assessment of industrial noise: the case of wood manufacturing
Vasiliki Dimou, Lazaros S Iliadis and Ilias Bougoudis
Vol 21 Nos 2/3 June/September 2013
Special issue: Innovative Intelligent Approaches: Extended papers from the 8th AIAI 2012 IFIP Conference
Guest Editors: Lazaros Iliadis, Ilias Maglogiannis and Harris Papadopoulos
Towards a declarative framework for the specification of agent-driven auctions
Alex Muscar and Costin Badica
Mathematical analysis of human factors using experimental parameter identification of human behaviour model
Jan Boril and Rudolf Jalovecky
Investigating motif selection methods for support vector machine classification of protein sequences to functional families
Danai Georgara, Katia Kermanidis and Ioannis Mariolis
Evaluation and analysis of artificial neural networks and decision trees in
forecasting of common air quality index in Thessaloniki, Greece
Ioannis Kyriakidis, Kostas Karatzas, Jaakko Kukkonen, George Papadourakis and Andrew Ware
Pilot neural modeling of the inside bark tree diameter. A comparative study with robust regression
Kyriaki Kitikidou, Elias Milios, Lazaros Iliadis and Minas Kaymakis
Fast and robust fuzzy active contours
Stelios Krinidis, Michail Krinidis and Vassilios Chatzis
AQ-MAS: A multiagent system for air quality monitoring in urban regions
Mihaela Oprea
Embracing cognitive factors and fuzzy logic in adaptive interactive systems
Efi Papatheocharous, Marios Belk, Panagiotis Germanakos and George Samaras
Adult student modeling for intelligent distance learning systems
Ioannis Panagiotopoulos, Kalou Aikaterini, Pierrakeas Christos and Kameas Achilles
A multiplicative multi-linear model for inter-camera prediction in free view 3D systems
Ioannis M. Stephanakis and George C. Anastassopoulos
Artificial spectrum-compatible seismic accelerograms with characteristics similar to natural seismic signals
Vrochidou Eleni, Alvanitopoulos Petros, Andreadis Ioannis and Elenas Anaxagoras
Vol 20 No 3 September 2012
Special issue: Advances in creation, management and utilization of data streams
Editor: Alfredo Cuzzocrea
Data stream management systems for processing and mining RFID streams
Carlo Zaniolo
Fully decentralized recommendations in pervasive systems: models and experimental analysis
L Becchetti, U Colesanti, A Marchetti-Spaccamela and A Vitaletti
Estimating OLAP queries over uncertain and imprecise multidimensional data streams
Alfredo Cuzzocrea and Jiawei Han
Energy-aware models for sensor network data acquisition
Daniele Apiletti, Elena Baralis, Tania Cerquitelli and Adeel Ashraf Cheema
Vol 20 Nos 1/2 March/June 2012
Timely developments in artificial intelligence applications
Editors: Lazaros Iliadis and Ilias Maglogiannis
Permutation entropy: a reliable measure for automatic monitoring of anesthetic depth during surgery
N Nicolaou, S Hourris, P Alexandrou and J Georgiou
Neural modeling classification of western and transition European economies based on energy patterns
Kyriaki Kitikidou, Lazaros Iliadis and Iliana Spartali
A cost-delay evolutionary model for optimal design of capacitated minimum spanning tree topologies in content distribution access networks
Ioannis Stephanakis and Dimitrios Logothetis
A neural network approach for the interpolation of missing foF2 data points
Haris Haralambous and Harris Papadopoulos
Color and texture indexing using an object segmentation approach
A Nodari, I Gallo, M Vanetti and S Albertini
Salient feature-based object recognition in cortex-like machine vision
Aristeidis Tsitiridis, Mark Richardson and Peter W T Yuen
Agent assisted paper collection for recycling
Nikolaos Bezirgiannis and Ilias Sakellariou
Iterated revisions in large and noisy state spaces using ranking functions
Klaus Häming and Gabriele Peters
Dimensionality reduction framework for detecting anomalies from network logs
Tuomo Sipola, Antti Juvonen and Joel Lehtonen
Predictive automated negotiators with different attitudes towards risk
Marisa Masvoula, Constantin Halatsis and Drakoulis Martakos
Personalized meta-searching using adaptive service composition for mobile web access
Ronnie Cheung and Hassan B Kazemian
Using artificial intelligence methods to understand and forecast atmospheric quality parameters
Ioannis Kyriakidis, Kostas Karatzas, George Papadourakis and J Andrew Ware
Vol 18 Nos 3/4 September/December 2010
Artificlal Intelligence Applications and Innovations 2010
Lazaros Iliadis, Andreas Andreou and Harris Papadopoulos
Testing sigmoid and gaussian fuzzy sets towards forest fire risk modeling
L S Iliadis, S Skopianos, S Tachos and S Spartalis
Detecting and confining Sybil attack in wireless sensor networks based on reputation systems coupled with clustering algorithms
Z Bankovic, D Fraga, J M Moya, J C Vallejo, A Araujo, P Malagón, J-M de Goyeneche, D Villanueva, E Romero and J Blesa
Conformal predictions for electronic nose system: an application to tea classification
I Nouretdinov, G Li, A Gammerman and Z Luo
A web-based example-tracing tutor for formalising sentences in first order logic
T Chronopoulos, I Hatzilygeroudis, I Perikos and K Kovas
A contourlet transform feature extraction scheme for ultrasound thyroid texture classification
S Katsigiannis, E G Keramidas and D Maroulis
Robust stock market miniung, incorporating financial news and technical analysis data
M Maragoudakis and D Serpanos
A GP-MOEA/D approach for modelling total electron content over Cyprus
A Konstantinidis, H Haralambous, A Agapitos and H Papadopoulos
Osteoporosis risk factor estimation using artificial neural networks
G Anastassopoulos, D Mantzaris, L Iliadis, K Kazakos and H Papadopoulos
Speed optimized face recognition on mobile devices using eigenfaces decomposition
C Doukas and I Maglogiannis
A conflict-resolving approach to ontology evolution in open environments
Y Liu, R Chen, J Gao and H Yang
Feature subset selection for software cost modelling and estimation
E Papatheocharous, H Papadopoulos and A S Andreou
Vol 15 No 3 September 2007
Special Issue: Decision Support Systems
Scheduling maintenance activities of electric power transmission networks using an hybrid constraint method
N Gomes, R Pinheiro, Z Vale and C Ramos
A scatter search approach for automated branch coverage in software testing
R Blanco, J Tuya, E Díaz and A Adenso Díaz
Knowledge extraction from medium voltage load diagrams to support the definition of electrical tariffs
S Ramos, V Figueiredo, F Rodrigues, R Pinhero and Z Vale
Ambient intelligence via multiagent systems in the medical arena
J Machado, V Alves, A Abelha and J Neves
Using ontologies to support and critique decisions
Y Kalfoglou
Modeling group decision meeting participants with an agent-based approach
G Marreiros, C Ramos and J Neves
Decision support for software project planning and enactment
T Sauer and S Goldmann
A computer simulation model for emergency building evacuation with arena
M E Haque and S Balasubramanian
ISEM: A multi-agent system that simulates competitive electronic marketplaces
M J Viamonte, C Ramos, F Rodrigues and J Cardoso
Vol 15 No 2 June 2007
Special issue: ISAP 2007
Learning Models of Plant Behavior for Anomaly Detection and Condition Monitoring
A J Brown, V M Catterson, M Fox, D Long and S D J McArthur
A Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Employing Crossover Operation for Economic Dispatch Problems with Valve-point Effects
J-B Park, Y-W Jeong, J-R Shin, K Y Lee and J-H Kim
Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization of Substation Maintenance using Markov Model
C S Chang and F Yang
A Multiple Scenario Security Constrained Reactive Power Planning Tool Using EPSO
H Keko, A Jaramillo Duque and V Miranda
Reactive Power Management in Offshore Wind Farms by Adaptive PSO
V S Pappala, S N Singh, M Wilch and I Erlich
Implementation of a Web-Based Real-Time Monitoring and Control System for a Hybrid Wind-PV-Battery Renewable Energy System
L Wang and K-H Liu
Optimization of Reactive Power Compensation and Voltage Regulation Using Artificial Immune Algorithm for Radial Transmission Networks
T-F Lee, Y-C Hsiao, H-Y Wu, T-L Huang, F-M Fang and M-Y Cho
Modeling of Suppliers’ Learning Behaviors in a Multi-Agent Market Environment
N Yu, C-C Liu and L Tesfatsion